Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The obscurity of the term "monkey this up" before DeSantis

For those wondering whether "monkey this up" was an expression that existed before, I did a Google search filtering out any results from the last two days, and any key words specific to this situation like "Florida," "governor," and the candidates' names. I found exactly three examples of the term being used in times past... From the comments section of a report about Ming-Na Wen being cast on Agents of SHIELD (2012): "Awesome News..I bet ABC will monkey this up and it will be canceled quickly . But I’m hoping for the best." From a post on a car-themed message board about repairing a serpentine belt (2009): "I am fairly mechanically inclined. Am also replacing thermostat, which I have done before. Have rebuilt a careburetor, done brakes. Just want to make sure I don't monkey this up, since it runs the entire show." From the comments section of a media post about Castle Season 7 (2015): "What will monkey this up will be Castles disappearance resurfacing, but for now she is deciding on the next stage of her life. There is no doubt it includes Castle, but she is at a crossroads and at the moment, she has the time to contemplate it all." ...So it's clear that the phrase did exist before DeSantis said it, but it was EXTREMELY obscure and uncommon.

Friday, July 13, 2018

A few coincidences in the timing of the GRU hackers' actions

This wasn't independent investigation on my part; it all came from a Twitter thread by Seth Abramson, but I wanted to present the dates he pointed out together with citations and excerpts from the indictment.

1) The earliest date given for the GRU's hacking operation was "on or about March 15th, 2016"...
...which was one day after George Papadopoulos (who has since pled guilty on the charge of lying to investigators about campaign-related matters) met with someone who claimed to have a connection to Russian government officials.

2) The indictment says the GRU operatives registered to disseminate the stolen emails "on or about April 19th, 2016"...
...which was the same day that Paul Manafort (who has since been indicted for conspiracy against the United States) reportedly "took over the Trump campaign."

3) The website was not launched, however, until "on or about June 8th, 2016"...
...which was one day before the infamous Trump Tower meeting between members of the Trump campaign (including Manafort and Donald Trump Jr.) and a Russian lawyer.

Monday, January 29, 2018

How Trump supporters would react if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue

**A report comes out that Donald Trump shot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue.**

Trump supporters: "That didn't happen, it's fake news."

**Five witnesses come forward saying they saw it happen.**

Trump supporters: "That's not proof, it's just hearsay. They're lying, fake news."

**A video is released showing Trump shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue.**

Trump supporters: "Obviously he was doing it to protect himself or others. He's a hero!"

**Another video is released which starts earlier and shows that Trump had absolutely no provocation whatsoever, and in fact the person he shot was saving a basket of baby ducks from oncoming traffic.**

Trump supporters: "Well, Democrats support abortion, so it's still better than that..."